
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Treatment of Acne Pimples at Home

In the treatment of a doctor dermatologist is important to observe proper home care. At home remedies for pimples, blackheads are assigned for use between professional treatments, and include:

Purification. It could be washing through gel for oily or combination skin. Rarely used temporarily instead of washing special cleansing lotion when expressed in inflammation (as recommended by your doctor).

Medical and hygienic care. Special tonic for oily skin, or lotions with anti-bacterial additives from the skin care products or treatment lotions to prescription, depending on the severity of acne (pimples) and skin type.

Hydration. If oily skin with signs of peeling a physician chosen home remedy for removal of peeling.
Treatment. Health and beauty treatments at the beautician will be much more effective if applied at home treatment gels, creams, etc. This may be the well-known remedy for pimples, blackheads:

5 Remedies for Adult Acne Hormonal Women

Hormones known as acne are a group of hormones called androgens including testosterone is generally considered the main link between hormones and acne. Almost everyone has at least a little of him at some point in their lives. Although acne is supposed to disappear after adolescence, it can persist for many years. There is a strong link between hormones and acne. Adolescents suffer from acne in part because the hormones that trigger changes in their bodies also lead the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. One study showed that unemployment rates are higher among women and men with acne, showing that acne sufferers are victims of discrimination.
Although our society has been learning not to discriminate against people with disabilities, we do not speak for the misery of acne. When acne is severe, it should be considered an urgent medical problem, because of permanent scarring may result. A few acne scars can not see, but an accumulation of scars over time can cause considerable damage to the complexion. If acne is sufficient to cause distress, it is best to get it treated promptly to minimize scarring.

1. If you're after more of a holistic technique then you should seek some essential oils that have proven themselves to deal with an escape, like tea tree, bergamot, clove, lavender and rosewood . The various oils are generally used to make your skin soft and smooth, improve your texture and reduce redness.
2. Good skin care is especially important for women with acne. However, good hygiene, but it will help control acne, it is unlikely to take it away. For this, the drug is needed as we shall see later.
3. Cleaning is considered by many naturopathic physicians and others to be a good way to control hormonal imbalances and acne. This is partly because, according to naturopathic doctors, hormonal imbalances and acne are caused by an accumulation of toxins in the body that come from undigested sugars and refined starches. Drinking tea made from herbs such as are found in green tea, goldenseal, burdock and dandelion to help detoxify the liver, kidney, colon and blood to regulate hormones and help clarify the acne. Generally, two cups of tea a day is enough to help naturally cleanse the body.

4. Retin-a tendency to be more a tactic that many people say has given them the antidote they needed to be able to remove their kicks. Also, Retin-A is used in regard to the healing of stretch marks, wrinkles, skin discoloration and other various kinds of skin conditions. It tends to be an antidote used widely prescribed by your doctor. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.

5. In addition, drinking water can help dilute the effects of hormones and help you to regulate them.
Raspberry leaf tea is another popular tonic given to women who suffer from acne, even during pregnancy, to help regulate hormones. Ginseng, a popular tea used in Chinese medicine has the same effect.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Acne in Adults: How to Treat?

It is believed that acne - teenage problem. But why do so many of them suffer from adult women? And is there a way to cure once and for all?

Acne, or acne - a problem every fifth woman between 25 and 50 years. Some blame the lack of it sexual activity, and others - invalid skin care in their youth, and others - of the skin mite Demodex, fourth think that acne pursue a sweet tooth ...

Today, scientists are sure: none of these factors is to blame.

Causes of acne primarily internal, and the main three:
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Disruption of gastrointestinal (GI);
- Chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Hence, the main rule: if you have acne, go not to a beauty salon, and in a multidisciplinary clinic or severe dermatologic center, where a bunch of work dermatologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, and focuses on laboratory studies. Only in this case, you can count on a positive long lasting results.

REASON number 1: Hormones
In most cases, they are guilty. "The most common cause of" adult acne - the excess of male hormones, particularly testosterone "- said Professor Elena Andreeva. When this hormone in the female body becomes more put, sebaceous glands begin to function hyperactive, and there are pimples.

The matter is further complicated by the fact that both provide a failure, and other systems. "Often the appearance of acne may be accompanied by menstrual irregularities and even hirsutism (excessive hairiness) - continues our expert. - If time does not detect elevated levels of testosterone, it can cause infertility, the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. Sometimes acne signals the pituitary and adrenal disease.

Therefore, the first step in acne - Consultation gynecologist, endocrinologist, and a complete examination. Will have a blood hormones and thyroid hormones, as well as to the biochemical and blood count, general urinalysis, ultrasound of the ovaries, uterus and thyroid.

Important detail. Some hormones are very capricious - their content in the blood varies depending on time of day and day of the menstrual cycle. That analysis was credible, it must pass a 5-7-day cycle between 8 and 9 am.

REASON number 2: the stomach and intestines
The second leading cause of acne - a problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Acne is often accompanied by dysbiosis, or intestinal dysbiosis, and it, in turn, can cause gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer disease. Find out what was going on in your case, will help the gastroenterologist.

"The first thing a doctor will prescribe the direction to the microbiological testing of stool and analysis on the helminths, protozoa, giardia, - says Elena Demina gastroenterologist. - Sometimes a picture is required to clarify the ultrasound of the gallbladder with the assessment of contractile function, ultrasonography of the liver and pancreas.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Drug Treatment for Acne

For the treatment of moderate and severe forms of acne antibiotics, hormones or Roaccutane.
Antibiotics prevent bacterial growth and, consequently, possess anti-inflammatory action. Treatment with antibiotics for a long, up to six months.

For best results, prescribe high doses of medication at the beginning of treatment, but then the dose can be modified by the treating physician. Currently, the majority of bacteria treated with antibiotics alone but extremely difficult in view of their resistance to the drugs, so you need comprehensive treatment and the correct choice of antibiotic, which can make only a dermatologist. When such treatment is necessary to periodically take a variety of tests, since antibiotics are often side effects.

Hormone therapy is only applicable to women. Hormones increase the concentration of proteins that bind testosterone, and thus reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Hormones may be strongly contraceptives or else combined in their properties. Like many medicines, these drugs have is a lot of side effects, so you should not choose their own. In addition, blood tests while taking these drugs in order to avoid complications.

Roaccutane is used only for severe acne. Prior to his appointment and during the reception to take various tests. To avoid serious effects observed by a doctor. This drug is quite toxic, so he is appointed, in extreme cases. Also there are a number of restrictions when taking this drug, for example, you can not sunbathe.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Acne in newborns

Every mom dreams about to have her baby was soft and smooth skin. However, not all our desires are satisfied by the end. Quite often it happens that from birth to the child's body there are numerous eruptions and pimples. Another fairly common problem is the newborn acne. Acne in newborns makes itself felt, usually up to six months.
Surely many parents interested in the next plan - that is acne in newborns? How dangerous is this disease for a child? What are the symptoms of acne? How is this disease?

Let's start with the main thing - what is acne in newborns? Under acne mean acne, loss of sebaceous glands and their excretory ducts, which are inflammatory in nature. Modern medicine differentiates between several types of acne. This is a common, red, medication, as well as professional acne. As for the acne in newborns, they are most likely to occur in boys between the ages of three to four weeks. Immediately want to draw parents' attention to the fact that the two - three months of acne in most cases goes away on its own. Acne can get complicated form only if one parent also has ever had in the presence of the disease.

What is acne?
Acne makes itself felt in the form of small pimples, which are all kind resemble teenage acne. Evidence is emerging pimples mostly on the little face, baby, in rare cases - a neck and ears.

What causes acne?
The causes of these pimples could be considered "excess" mother hormone, yet there are still a child, as well as the restructuring of the hormonal system baby, which resulted in significantly increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

What do parents if their child has acne?
Oddly enough it would not sound, but you do not need to do. The fact is that acne is not treated with anything. These pimples are not only not be squeezed, but also strictly forbidden to them than any grease. Do not listen to anyone, not mazhte pimples or Zelenko, nor fukortsinom nor hlorofillipta or other drugs. It is absolutely contraindicated. The only rule you must be that the baby's skin should always be clean and dry. Approximately every three days you can lubricate it bepantenom or zinc ointment to slightly dry existing rash. Remember, these creams are not meant to treat acne, but only for the drying of pimples. So much for the external treatment. If you talk about drugs for oral administration, the anti-acne your doctor may prescribe your baby only retinoids, and then in very small quantities.

Now the main thing - it is very important that a diagnosis of acne was raised baby correctly. Very often it happens that the parents themselves make conclusions about the rash on the skin of the child. Do not categorically. Show the child pediatrician. It may be a rash on his body is not acne, but some kind of allergic reaction or sudamen. After all, if in fact it is an allergy, then the child, without a doubt, should be treated. If it is still acne, then the only cure for this malady - time. Be patient and wait for acne must be held by itself. Do not forget that the baby is going through all the emotions of her mother. That is why it is not necessary once again to shed tears, acne is not dangerous. In addition to all it does not deliver virtually any inconvenience himself to the child that is also very important.